We lost two keystones of our family this year. One is Cam's Grampa Stan. What an amazing man he was. Some of the greatest lessons of my life were learned in the small living room sitting in the second recliner under the giant head of an unfortunate elk, turned hatrack. There I learned how life was during World War II, while he served in the United States Army. About all they went through while they served in Italy. He was in a tank. Being a history fanatic, I was constantly amazed at the history-in-the-making events he was actually present for. Which was just another experiance and just another story for him.
We lived in Las Vegas for about 5 years when Cam got out of College, so another subject that we could never hear enough of was Stan's time in Las Vegas. It was just starting to be a city and he had a part in building the original Las Vegas Court House, along with other buildings in the new little town.
Another thing that he loved to tell stories about is his childhood. He had a very unique childhood. He spent many summers in camp watching over the families sheep herd. Riding horses and fishing with his siblings and uncles. What a different time it was.
It was experiances like these that made him the man he was, and the one we all looked up to.
I found a poem that reminded me alot of Grampa.
Ride With Him Again He done checked his gear's condition,
His cowboy hat was on just right.
His mount was prancing nervously,
'Fore he cinched that saddle up tight.
Today's his longest journey,
And it's been coming for a while.
Though he knows it's hard departing,
He'll be starting with a smile.
He spoke his piece to children,
While he softly held his wife,
And he said to those who'd listen,
She was the best thing in his life.
A braver man there wasn't,
When life would challenge him with trouble.
He would charge into the fray,
And do the right thing on the double.
But the Trail Boss called his number,
And the White Steed couldn't wait.
It was time to ride those hooves of starfire,
'Til they reached the Pearly Gate.
So he left us at his bedside,
Watching over him with love.
And he spurred that Spirit Stallion,
Toward his new home up above.
Well, we'll miss that long tall cowboy,
Maybe tear up now and then.
But we know we'll see him someday,
And ride the range with him again.
Good ride Cowboy. We love you.