Chayse had another field trip, this time it was at her home away from home. The hospital and more specifically the emergency room! She went with her preschool and her best buddy Reece is who is in the photo with her. It was fun for her to see the different parts of the hospital without actually having to be the patient. A little ways through our tour she started complaining again that her neck hurt. Deciding I better check it out, given our families history with Strep Throat, I took a quick peak and confirmed that she did have strep. So after leaving the hospital tour, we took Reece and her mom, Kelly, back to the preschool and made the very familiar drive to our doctors office. After a quick check, we were on our way to get medicine. The last photo is on the way home. I guess everything was starting to catch up with my little Scooter... yes that is her doctors office sucker hanging out of her mouth! What a little trooper!
Ah, My little Garden! It is a most interesting job, gardening! You do as much as you can to help nurture and keep healthy your little seeds and pray that they will grow up strong and yeild good things.
My "fave" son! The one who knows how and loves to push my buttons more than anyone else- and knows when I need some support and love as well. What an intuitive little guy he has always been!
Chloe (Suzy) - age 8
My lil' helper- I don't know what I would do without her- she is a more organized mother than me most the time! Thanks for keeping us in line sis!
Chayse (Scooter) - age 5
My little entertainer! Never a dull moment with our little firecracker around! You never know what funny thing will come out of her mouth next- but you do know it will be totally honest!
man that school has a lot of field trips so fun!